How did the Roman Empire Fall? In class we have examined several reasons for Rome's downfall, but some may be more significant than others.
Choose one reason for the Fall of Rome that you believe was most significant? Describe the situation and explain why it was the most significant cause using examples from class.
Link: Fall of the Roman Empire
Choose one reason for the Fall of Rome that you believe was most significant? Describe the situation and explain why it was the most significant cause using examples from class.
Link: Fall of the Roman Empire
one of the causes that led to the fall of Rome is the economic part because lack of trade deficit and that was huge for Rome because their business in trading good is over and it took a big decline in the economic part of Rome.
The roman empire fell because after being the most powerful nation in the world for such a long time, the romans started being lazy, and none of roman citizens wanted to enroll in the army to protect the huge empire anymore, or at least not enough of them, that's when roman authorities started enrolling mercenaries, who came from various countries under the reign of the empire. By doing so, the empire led itself to his fall: mercenaries did not care about protecting the empire, but about getting all the money they could possibly gain, that's is when mercenaries and foreign invaders decided to work together. the mercenaries would open the gates of rome, letting all the barbarian armies in, then the mercenaries themselves would fight against the empire.
That is how the fall of Rome happened.
Many things led to the fall of Rome.One of these things was the division of Rome.The Empire broke into 2 parts,the Greek side and the Latin side.The Greek side survived because it had most of the population, a better military, more money, and better rule.
Miguel A. Vargas
i think the biggest factor of the fall of the roman empire is the economic factor because the romans were losing money cause 1/3 of the population did not have jobs.
Luis,Ramirez Jeffrey,Rodriguez
The Fall of the Roman Empire had different causes. The most significant one was Christianity. Christian beliefs conflicted with the working of empire. I think this is the most significant one because Christians, at the time of Diocletian, worked in high government positions and could be found in Diocletian’s own household and imperial court. This lead to the Fall of the Roman Empire.
- Stephanie Reyes
one reason is that barbarians attacked Rome and killed many people. Got a lot of money during all of this.
- Javis Perez
The Roman Empire had become too big to control easily. Soldiers or families in distant parts of the Empire adopted local customs and the Empire was made up not only of natives from the Italian peninsula, but barbarians from the conquered lands.
Danny Tejada
there were many causes for the roman fall. one of the reason was because of christianity, also because the lack of trading goods,and a big decline in the economic part of rome. sum even say it was because the rise of muslims but no one no for sure.
one of the reasons why the roman empire fell was because of lead. The romans use to drink out of lead cups and they use to have lead cribs for the babies. Lead is poison, and it makes you sick in the head. So thats why it messed up many things between everybody and the roman empire fell.
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