Throughout global history, rapidly spreading diseases have had an impact on many societies. Epidemics such as the Black Death in the 14th century, smallpox in the 16th century and AIDS in the 20th and 21st centuries have had significant effects on society.
Task for Extra Credit -
- Define "epidemic"
- Choose one epidemic and explain why the epidemic spread
- Discuss the effects of the epidemic on a specific society or societies
An epidemic is problem that is spreading out of control. In this case a desease.
One epidemic is the Black Death in Eurpe in the 1300's. It was spread by fleas on rats that were carried through trade during the Pax Mongolia. The Mongols would also put dead plague bodies on catapults and lauch them over enemy walls
The impact the black death had on europe was that it killed 1/3 of the population of europe and created a labor shortage that gave people higher wages.
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